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Proprietary Medicines

Stay young with Areca Tea! Ayurvedic Doctor’s big revelation

Areca Tea, a lesser-heard healthy drink trending the charts!

The rising disaster of diseases has also created a surge in awareness about healthy living. Health enthusiasts and fitness freaks are now looking beyond the labels. People are searching for safe, natural remedies to their woes.

This has forced the researchers to take a stroll down the forests. Researchers are now looking into the herbs and roots, mentioned in Ayurveda, for natural preventives and curatives. One such herb blessed with immense healthy perks is Areca nuts!

Areca Tea, a hot beverage obtained from the active molecules of Areca nut. It is rich in antioxidants and amino acids. This medicinal plant contains rare natural anti-ageing molecules. This makes this tea one of the best natural anti-ageing drink.

But that’s not it!

Areca tea is rapidly gaining attention in the West for its long list of health benefits. 

Anti-aging is just one of the benefits.

Areca Tea helps in curing long time issues of gastritis and acidity. It is helpful in regulating cholesterol balance. And it gives the best results in managing diabetes. Areca Tea is that one drink which can replace an entire basket of medicines in your cabinet!

Areca Tea – how it’s made?

As already stated, Areca Tea is obtained by processing natural Areca Nut. Ayurvedic Areca tea is prepared by blending Areca nut extracts with Mandukaparni, Methika, Tulasi, and Honey. 

Areca Tea has a natural sweet taste. It is 100% natural. Free of Chemicals. No added substances. No caffeine. And no side-effects. One can easily ditch the cup of tea or coffee for this sweet healthy drink.

Check out the amazing health benefits of Areca Tea. And know why its totally worth it!

Health Benefits of Areca Tea

An anti-ageing beverage

Rich in anti-oxidants, Areca tea has potent anti-oxidative and free radical scavenging activities. It contains a high proportion of proline, a free amino acid that helps in preventing the onset of wrinkles and fine lines. Areca tea is very effective in delaying the process of ageing. This natural beverage also improves immunity and shields against age-related disorders.

A natural Diabetes preventer

Studies revealed that Areca Tea exhibits anti-diabetic properties. Areca Tea has a protective effect on the Pancreas. It is the pancreas that secrete insulin. The active elements in this tea also protect the heart and Kidney against diabetes-induced degenerative changes. 

A Cholesterol Regulator

Areca Nut extract inhibits pancreatic cholesterol. It also reduces triglyceride absorption. Areca tea is healthy for the heart and it offers protective benefits to the blood pumping machine!

An Appetizer and Digestive

Areca tea is light on the stomach. It increases the secretion of saliva and boosts the process of digestion. It also acts as a natural appetizer. 

A natural energy booster

Brimmed with antioxidants, this natural drink is very effective in relieving fatigue. It rejuvenates the body and results in more energy and stamina.

An Anti-Depressant

Areca Tea contains alkaloids. This acts on the central nervous system and stimulates a euphoric effect. This makes a cup of Areca Tea bring a relaxing effect on the mind and body.

Areca Tea – How much should you drink?

Ayurvedic Doctor recommends two cups of Areca Tea for two months. Dip the areca tea bag in 100 ml of piping hot water for 1-2 mins. And enjoy the relishing tasteful tea. Drink it after your meals. Because it contains no caffeine, it won’t cause insomnia!

This new routine will bring the best results in terms of feeling healthy. 


Areca Tea is not a magic ‘weight-loss’ tea. But it has amazing and rare benefits to offer. Areca tea increases energy and metabolism. It improves the process of digestion and facilitates smooth elimination.

Areca tea is a great drink for delaying the process of ageing. Wrinkles, fine lines, greying of hair, loosening of the skin, can be controlled with a sip of Areca tea. Also, Areca tea is a great replacement for the regular tea in diabetics. 

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